An Invisible buen vivir in the subtropical Brazil (ou Um buen vivir subtropical: o puxirão caboclo de Chapecó)

Descrição: Projeto aprovado em edital externo (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Alemanha) The focus of this project is to analyze the activities of the Puxirão Caboclo Association in Chapecó (Santa Catarina, Brazil), as a form of alternative buen vivir. The Puxirão Caboclo Association (since 2003) aims to re-establish patterns of sociocultural collectivism that have been drastically interrupted during the colonial advance, ranging from alternative healthcare to traditional nutrition. While this group has not received any official endorsement from the Brazilian institutions as in Bolivia and Ecuador, advocates of Agroecology underscore the contributions of the caboclos as innovators in agro-ecological practices such as exchanging creole seeds and expanding non-agrochemical cultivation in small subsistence gardens..

Integrantes: Claiton Marcio da Silva - Coordenador / Marlon Brandt - Integrante / Samira Peruchi Moretto - Integrante / Mateus Felipe Socha - Integrante / Renata Luiza Zapatini - Integrante.
Financiador(es): Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - Bolsa.
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